About Heather Schulte
I’m interested in how we are all connected — with ourselves, each other, with nature, our world, our universe — while also unique individuals.
I’ve made things from the moment of my first coherent memory (learning how to peel a carrot at Montessori preschool) and first cross-stitched at the age of 5. (Mom, a little help?) That cross-stitch of a teddy bear holding a red, blue, and yellow balloon began a love of all things textiles. I come from a legacy of stitchers on both sides of my family, and grew up learning how to sew clothes, knit, crochet, etc., among explorations of many other art media (especially photography).
I also like to write, a passion that started once I knew how to read. These two creative outlets often weave together in my artwork, which can be viewed on my personal website. I received a BFA in photography from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2003.
I’m also a mother to 3 children. “Artist mother/mother artist” is a challenging mantle, and one I deeply value.