June 27, 2020
Stitched by Margot Glenboski
This block was completed by my mother, who stitched while recovering from knee surgery. I was supposed to go help her and my dad while she recuperated, but the coronavirus made that too risky. This block’s design is in the style of log cabin quilt patterns.
My mom taught me how to cross stitch (and crochet, and knit, and sew…) at a very young age (6?), and her love for sewing and all things involving thread and fabric inspired my own endeavors. If not for her, this project would likely not exist.
June 27, 2020*:
Cases reported: 42,877
Deaths reported: 500
From Margot:
Covid-19, knee replacement surgery, Alabama stay at home order, all allow for lots of down time at home. I started my piece on July 12 and completed it on October 5 (42,877 squares). I never contemplated I would complete it that fast. Initially I thought it would take me many months to complete that much cross stitch. In between knitting and crocheting I found myself spending several hours a day working on it. That provided many hours to contemplate the fate of those that have fallen victim to the virus. Having lost my brother-in-law to Covid in April was also an incentive to put in the hours to get the project completed.
*data is sourced from the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center database. These numbers change over time, as backlogged data is added over time for various reasons. Detailed information about data changes and how data is sourced can be found here.